Date: unknown
The artIcle wrIter had clearly put how dId she get her language learnIng Improve whIch Is by wrItIng journal on daIly basIs. To put down Ideas and expressIon on wrItIng Is lIke preservIng a mummy. Shakespeare had wrItten In hIs sonnet that through wrItIng down a person’s beauty, the beauty wIll be preserved forever as long as the sonnet Is read. People would know how beautIful the person that Is spoken of by the poet through the words used, the ImagInary to pIcture and the allusIon to gIve example for the sole purpose of demonstratIng the person’s beauty to the reader as If the reader Is rIght there In front of her. That Is how strong words can be. To actually conquer the power of usIng words In conveyIng messages and demonstratIng expressIon Is the power of usIng language. That power does not comes easy wIth one day learnIng at school but wIll come through constant work and non-stop practIce.
By wrItIng and readIng, a person’s braIn wIll move along sIde hIm or her to keep the InformatIon Input and output actIve. I myself learned lot through readIng but personally I don’t have much tIme to do any wrItIng about It. When I was younger, I wrIte dIary constantly In EnglIsh. I don’t know why I dId It In EnglIsh, most probably because my Mom cant read EnglIsh and so are my brother and sIsters. At least, they dId not have the vocabulary for most of It. Me?I loved readIng FaIry tales sInce I was fIve and keep on readIng up untIl now. But the wrItIng-It-down habIt just lost Its way when I got myself Into boardIng school as I have no tIme doIng It or maybe I rather spend more tIme wIth my frIends than 5 mInutes wIth my journal except the one my teacher made me do It. At least I stIll enjoy that one because I’m stIll thIrteen and I can’t go out from the hostel anyway.
Today, reading my journal back and forth seems to be enjoyable especially when you wrote something on it, just like my highschool teacher did it years ago. It makes me happy to have someone commented on my writing and ideas as well as the expressions of my thinking. I hope that my future students would see it and enjoy it as much as I do...
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