Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

The Secret is intended to bring the reader and the world love and joy for their entire existence. In this book, I have chosen chapter 5, 6, 9 and 10; which are The Secret to Money, The Secret to Relationships, The Secret to Life and The Secret to You. The revelations of The Secret were done by great people dead or alive, from hundreds of years ago until now. Rhonda compiled all the secrets revealed, booked it and sold it, where she changed the life of many people.

Chapter 5 is on The Secret to Money. As we all know, there is nobody alive in this world that does not need money. Money is the key to almost everything. Without Money, education will not be improved, without money, human race will not be civilized, and without money the Muslim pilgrims cannot travel to Makkah, because capitalism is indeed the way of life these days. If you want to have lots of money, you have to read this. Firstly, start to focus on wealth, not the lack of it. If you were always thinking about the money you need for things, you will never gain more than you need. You never say that you do not have enough of it, instead you act like your million dollars has already been there to serve your need. You have to cut on your negative thoughts, let someone else do it but you. Your only focus is on the abundance of it that you can grab.

Secondly, start to use your imagination. You have to believe that you already have all the money you want by feeling good about it. This is the time you have to feel good about money, and not just that, you have to feel good about having it too. The author specifically said, “Your wealth is waiting for you in the invisible, and to bring it into the visible, think wealth” What the author is trying to convey is that, before you can change things in your life, you have to change the way you think first. Wealth will come true for those who believe in it. Those who keep complaining and stressed out every time the bills come in, they will stay at that stage most of their lives but those who keep on imagining the bills are fat checks, one day it will become fat checks waiting to be cashed.

Thirdly, you have to start making yourself happy. Walk at malls, look at things you want and say you can afford and buy that. If you were unhappy, how can money get their way to you? It is a good question because today people chase money, stress themselves because of money but they forget to be happy. Like how the author said, radiating happiness will attract the happiness back to the radiator. As a Muslim, the concept is that easy. When you are generous with money, you give out more then you will get in more than that. Let us just say that you will get plenty. In conclusion, you have to have a belief in yourself that you will make things, dreams, and the impossible to become real. Start with visualizing checks instead of bills. Say it out loud how much you want. Make believe has helped a lot people to make things come true. If wealth is what you want, then forget about paying debt, focus on gaining property. Everything else will take care of itself once you get what you want.

Chapter 6 is on The Secret to Relationships. Relationship matters. It is not a matter of need; it is more than just necessities. Relationship is the way to make people feel alive and real about themselves. If you really want it, act so. Make sure that your thoughts, your words, your actions, and your surroundings do not contradict the idea. You have to manifest the wish, which is the only way it can come true. Put your wish out, let you yourself see it. For example, if you want a boyfriend, do not stay in front of the television, staring at the screen for hours telling yourself he will come in one day because he would not. If you want a partner, act like you do by mirroring your actions to what you expect.

Firstly, you have to be aware that the only job you have to do is You. You have to fill it up, by understanding and enjoying yourself. All this while you have been putting everyone else before you, now is the right time to start prioritizing yourself. Put yourself as the most important person in your life, not some one else. If something happen, you have to ensure how much you can save yourself before the others, because in the end, you are as important as they are.

Secondly, learn to be luxurious to yourself. What makes people fail to realize the importance of things is because they never have it in their life. Spoil yourself with the luxury of respect, and you will find others to respect you abundantly, as much as you want your relationship to be. If you show respect to yourself, your body, mind and soul, you will earn the respect from the person near you. The healthy respect will turn to be adoration and therefore draw the person to be close to you in healthy way. You have to know that the love and respect that you show to yourself will get other people to show their love and respect to you, with the notion that you show your love and respect to them as well. The key to this is by treating others the way you want others to treat you. If you want others to hate you, you show disrespect and be rude to people, that is exactly how others will treat you. However it is important for you to say to yourself that you are important, worthy and deserving of any kind of love offered out there.

Thirdly, do not ever feel bad about yourself. How can you make the person next to you fall in love with you if you yourself think the love does not worth to be given to others? See yourself as a very important person and you will stop blocking the love from coming to you. This might be as funny as it sounds but to attract the other person to fall in love with you, you have to start falling in love with yourself first. Look deep into the mirror, and find the beautiful parts that you have in you. Praise your eyes on how unique they are, say your lips are beautiful and different, your wavy hair is one of a kind and so on. For the first time in your life, you have to focus on your best qualities, things that not everyone around you have. As for me, I think that self-confidence is the gist of this chapter. Say even if your look is not that attracting, you have the best manner among people and that makes you even more attracting than any other person near you. All this time you have let people to tell you that you are less than them. This is the time for you to stand up and tell them, you are a lot better than they are. That is the only way you will know who will stay around and tell you he or she agrees with what you think. Action must be preceded by thought, which is how you focus on what you appreciate, by acknowledging why you love the people around you.

Chapter 9 is on The Secret to Life. It is as if revealing the biggest secret of getting to life. Get yourself a big mental blackboard, erase everything on it until it is fully clean to be written anything. Give yourself a break and find time to create a wish list, a list that can be fulfilled by you but before that you have to ensure you start clean and fresh without any hint of the past. This will help you to get over any past bitter experiences and start new from the beginning, as it is important to have to forget the useless haunting past. Step on the life pedal and move on.

Firstly, you need to feel good about everything. That is a good way to start. Open yourself for the chance to feel and experience joy. If it is not fun, then tell yourself not to it. Choose things that will only give joy to you, not stress and pressure. Resonates that with your heart and let the fun into your life. Remember that the freedom to choose is in your hand, and should not be dictated by any other person. You must do only what you love but that does not stop you from discovering the best in you. If you do not how to do things, think and ask, as a conclusion, make time for it before you give up. Commit to the new knowledge and later radiate it. Show others and yourself you are happy and proud of it but not to forget to make the time spent worth it.

Secondly, believe the impossible to become possible. By using the power to choose within you, you can draw any power around to come to you. The concept is easy. Once you yourself have the believe, everything else will come easy. Problem usually occurs when people distrust their own inner strength. If you have the guts to say you could do anything, you go anywhere and you could achieve anything, then nothing except God can be on your way. It is time to embrace and be proud of your magnificence, of who you really are.

Thirdly, you have to let go the limiting thoughts. Limiting thoughts always get in the way, and every time they succeeded to stop human race from improving themselves. Stop yourself from saying; “I don’t think this job is in my scope, I don’t think this task is in my expertise, I can’t do this because I don’t know how, I don’t think I am eligible for the task” and the list will go on and on. Nobody else can tell you to believe in yourself, only you yourself can be strong enough to believe that you can do it. As the book mentioned in the chapter, use the power, and acknowledge the power by working with The Secret. As a person with self-believe, never listen to others telling you what you cannot do, instead try to see yourself doing it. For example, if you want to buy a house, tell someone you want to buy the house, see yourself in the house and one day you will buy the house, no doubt.

Chapter 10 in this book is on The Secret to You. Human is described as energy, just like how any other items in the whole world, all were made of energy. A human without energy is like someone with no dreams and ambitions in life so you need to energize yourself. In my own opinion, energize here means that you need to feed yourself with the belief. By believing that you can do it, that is how you will do it.

Firstly, let us understand about energy cycle. Energy cycle is when you start to think, thus you emit frequency. The thinking energy will vibrate at the frequency and the energy emitted will have the right frequency to come back in. if you can understand what is energy, then you can understand my point in this chapter. Energy is everything from the smallest of things to as large as the whole universe. And even thought is not yet realized into a real form , it affects the energy in you. The stronger your thoughts, the better. As least that is what I comprehend until this part.

Secondly, you need to become a “live wire”. Ever seen a “live wire” before? People always thought live wire is dangerous. It is not if you know how to deal with and use it to your advantage. The most important thing you have to remember is that a live wire means a wire that has energy going through it and the energy is powerful. That is how you should be, a live wire where all the power goes through. Any touch can transfer the power back and forth, and how more magnificence can you be if you are able to become this live wire?

Thirdly, you need to be aware that human are meant to be creators. They are meant to create not only their own but others’ destiny. By channeling thoughts through the right path, you will be able to create the Universal destiny. To create the Universal destiny is not that hard. All you have to do is ask yourself, feel it at the back of your hands and most importantly, believe it deep inside your heart. In the end, the frequency that will be submitted to you will tell you that you have succeeded.

Lastly, start to think positive from today. This is like a nutshell of everything written in the book; to start thinking positively. Negative thoughts would likely to harm no one else but you. So why are you doing it? People did not realize how important it is to think positively until they see some one else doing it and succeeded. Now is not the time to observe but to execute. Execute your dreams and thoughts so that they will have the chance to become instead of staying as thoughts.

As a conclusion for all the chapters I have reviewed, the key is to believe. It will get you anywhere in this world. I believe that I can get over the crowd anxiety I am having now if I start to put myself among the crowd. I can brave the pressure if I believe no one can harm me. That is how I am going to succeed, by believing.

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